Cannabis. Reefer. Mary Jane. Pot. All of which are popular names for one very helpful friend. Marijuana. Legalizing marijuana is a very controversial topic in today's society. In the mid 1930's, marijuana was regulated as a drug in every state. As of today, marijuana is legal for medical use only in twenty-three states and legal for recreational use in four states. Studies show that ninety-five million Americans have used marijuana in their lifetime. So what is really the issue? Majority of Americans have consumed it, why not make it legal for recreational purposes all throughout the United States? Marijuana should be legalized for recreational use in all 50 states because it kills cancer cells and cures many other illnesses, it's less harmful and less addictive than tobacco and alcohol, …show more content…
Smoked marijuana also does not meet the standards of modern medicine.( In order for the FDA to approve marijuana, it requires that three factors be established. These include: dose quantity, frequency and duration of administration, and its interaction with other medicines. ( Marijuana is illegal. Only due to it being placed in Schedule 1; the federal category reserved for drugs with the highest potential for abuse. This happened only because there was lack of evidence that marijuana was harmful and not an abundance. ( Marijuana is listed as a narcotic. It is placed in the same category with heroin, cocaine, and meth. Some believe that marijuana is a gateway drug and it will lead you to want to do harder drugs ( when really, it isn't. According to the Institute of Medicine of the Natural Academy of Sciences, underage alcohol and tobacco use typically precede marijuana use. This