Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Why to go through all the trouble and monetary strains to legalized marijuana as a medical and recreational used? Have you ever asked yourself the question, why the government does not simply legalized the marijuana and settle this debate? We know that the government create and pass laws every day without calling for voting from the public. What so different in this case? According to in 1972 the Federal Food and Drug Administration FDA classified the marijuana as a Schedule 1. This is the must restricted of the drugs meanwhile others more harmful drugs are categorized as a lenient schedule. The schedule 1 is composed of drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with no currently accepted medical …show more content…

Dozens of peer-reviews are cited in their research, some of this coming from prominent medical organizations, government reports to mention a few of them. Some argue that medical marijuana is dangerous for the public health. They argument come from the lack of the FDA approval while other FDA approve medicines are in place to be used for the same diseases, making unnecessary the use of marijuana. Another point express by the opposition side is the potential for addition to the substance. Some other opposition claims are the link between infertility, lung cancer, brain injuries and immune system related diseases, not to mention that impair the driving capabilities. Wilkinson, S. MD. (June 18, 2014) Problems with the medicalization of marijuana Vol 311, No. …show more content…

In only six short months the recreational marijuana sales sky rocket, not only matching but passing the sales of a well establish market. So with this evidence of the substance being beneficial for the health and for the very fragile economy of the country; why not simply move the marijuana from schedule 1 to another type of classification. Simplifying the legalization of the substance without the involvement from the public will prevent the resources utilized in case of special