Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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The Legalization of Marijuana I would like to start off by describing the hypocrisy in America. There are senators, representatives, and even presidents who have admitted to smoking marijuana. For example, Bill Clinton admitted to smoking marijuana but he claims he “didn’t inhale.” With all these high ranking government officials openly admitting to smoking marijuana recreationally, and many who have yet to be caught, it seems like the government should change the laws on it. As of today the Drug Enforcement Agency, referred to as the DEA, still has this substance on the schedule one list. Marijuana is not a dangerous drug, in fact it has healing factors that help treat illness and psychological problems that modern medicine cannot even treat! …show more content…

Since the legalization of marijuana there has been in increase of underage consumption. According to a recent report written by Charles Stimson, “Drug-related suspensions/expulsions (mostly for marijuana) increased 32 percent over a five-year period” as well as “the majority of DUI drug arrests involve marijuana” (Stimson, Charles. Is Legalized Marijuana Going up in Smoke?, Also fifty percent more arrestees in Denver test positive for marijuana since the legalization. There has not been just negative effects since legalization. Since the legalization of marijuana in states like Washington, Colorado, and California there have been less arrests made for possession of marijuana. In states where marijuana is not legal there is a higher arrest rate and sixty percent of drug related arrest are from possession of marijuana in small amounts.These people, depending on their criminal history, may end up serving time in jail or prison. While serving their time, they need to be fed, clothes, water, etc. so they use taxpayers money to support them. Instead of putting the people in jail for possession and wasting money that could be going towards a better