Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Over the last 100 years the United States has had an ongoing battle against accepting marijuana as a valuable addition to the legal system, medicinal world, economy, and even the agricultural field. Marijuana is a versatile plant that is capable of affecting every single American citizen whether they are using it or not. If marijuana were to be legalized in the United States taxpayers would save millions, patients would get the care they request, and farmers might actually profit off of their hard work for once in a very long time. Both medicinal and recreational marijuana needs to be legalized on a federal level for the enrichment of the United States.

Legalized Recreational Marijuana Benefits to Society and the Legal System

A legalized and regulated market for marijuana would reduce illegal sales of drugs as well as reduce the exposure to more illicit drugs such as heroin, meth, crack, cocaine, and many others by default. Because marijuana is illegal it makes it more valuable than it would be if it was legalized; it provides people the opportunity to make fast cash that could just as well be poured back into our economy if it were properly controlled and taxed similar to …show more content…

Approximately 13 percent of the United States population is made up of African-Americans and 13.5 percent of annual Marijuana users, and yet, African-Americans alone make up 26 percent of annual arrests for possession charges. New studies have shown that Latinos and African-Americans face a much larger risk of getting arrested for possession and use of marijuana than Caucasians do. This shows that the United States law enforcement has done a very poor job demonstrating that the prohibition on Marijuana can be enforced fairly among all Americans (Adler, 2015,