Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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The topic of legalizing marijuana has been a heated one in the last couple of decades, and it has reach a point that you cannot ignore it. According to a national poll conducted by Public Policy Polling (PPP) from Nov. 30 to Dec. 2, a record high 58% of American voters said they think marijuana should be made legal, compared to only 39% who do not [1]. The legalization of marijuana could help the state or country in a few ways, like: economically, the reduction of crimes, and in many medical reasons. Most Americans are in favor of the marijuana law reform, and is only a matter of time to see marijuana being legalize nationally. It’s said that the legalization of marijuana won’t prevent illegal marketing, such as the legalization of gambling hasn’t prevented the illegal gambling. The only real solution to this problem is to cut down the price and the tax, shrinking the expected revenue stream. But legalizing and regulating marijuana will bring the nation's largest cash crop under the rule of law, creating jobs and economic opportunities …show more content…

But research and studies have shown the complete opposite, “a review of the evidence in a National Academy of Sciences study on violence conclude, “the majority of evidence in experimental studies with animals and humans, as well as most data from chronic users, emphasizes that cannabis preparations or THC decrease aggressive and violent behavior”.[2]”. Crime will never disappear completely, but by legalizing marijuana you will weaken it, as Daniel K. Benjamin and Rodger Leroy Miller once said: “The Mafia would not disappear, because organized crime would be able to survive on other criminal activities, such as loan sharking, gambling, prostitution, and child pornography. But drug legalization would remove the backbone of organized crime’s profits, causing it to diminish in