Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Since 2002, a survey found the use of marijuana by everyday Americans has doubled, and will most likely continue to grow. Cannabis, which is better known as Marijuana, is a plant that produces buds that can be smoked, vaporized, manufactured into an extract, and even cooked with food to eat. Already 23 states in the United States have loosened the laws on marijuana, but still place heavy restrictions on the drug. I believe marijuana should be legalized all over the U.S. because of the fact it truly helps people with illnesses, and though some people express concern about “atrocious” effects of the drug, too many cops are focused on arrests for marijuana.
Cannabis is indigenous to South and Central Asia, and first became illegal in the United States in the 1930’s as a plan to deport Mexicans. The term “marihuana” was unknown to English-speaking Americans, so they were unaware of the fact that this “marihuana” was exactly the same medicine they had in their medicine cabinets, which they called “cannabis”. The primary psyhoactive piece of the 113 cannabinoids of the plant is tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, which gives the people who smoke …show more content…

The war on drugs, as useful as it may be, when arresting individuals for having this drug with them, “Most of the people police are arresting aren’t kingpins, but rather people with small amounts of pot.” (ACLU). Kingpins, for those who don’t know, are the “rulers” of organized crime, they supply, grow, or manufacture whatever it is they want to sell. If cops wanted the selling and buying of marijuana, they must be thinking if they bust everyone who has even a gram of shake on them, it will cause a slow down in the use of the drug, which it obviously will not. Over all of the drug busts marijuana arrest numbers soar over all others with a whopping 52%, while many dangerous drugs such as meth and crack are much much