Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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According to Pew Research Center, 53% of Americans support the legalization of marijuana. Eight states have passed legislature to legalize marijuana by citizens popular vote already. Medical marijuana has been legal in some states in the U.S since 1998, and has been found to be safer than alcohol and has many medical and recreational benefits. Isn’t it time to have the benefit of marijuana nationwide. Legalizing marijuana can reduce arrests in many cities's giving police more resources to direct towards more pressing matter like tougher drugs problems or theft. Nationwide laws can clarify confusion on what is permitted and prohibited and better allow for a widespread effort with local, state, and national efforts to control the growing problem. Marijuana arrest records have proved to be that police are racially biased. Racial injustice is a major problem in this country and the legalization of marijuana would reduce this problem that has caused deaths, …show more content…

Racial injustice is a major problem in this country and the legalization of marijuana would reduce this problem that has caused deaths, riots, and violence to outbreak in many cities. States are looking for solutions to racial injustice. They are still struggling to find solutions to biased police force they have. If police weren’t looking for pot they would not have to stop, search, and exasperate a situation that didn’t need to stop in the first place. Blacks and whites are the same amount of time, however, black are 4 times as likely to be arrested or put under suspicion of drug possession. In 2010, the District of Columbia’s arrest records proved to be racially biased. While their African American population is equal to their caucasian population, 90% of marijuana charges were on black citizens. In 2014, growing and possession became legal for the area allowing for these numbers to drop. We need to see this on a nationwide