
Satire On Drugs

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In today’s world, alcohol is acceptable, and marijuana is just plain terrifying. This “weed” is apparently taught to be a plague to society and only brings violence and criminal activity, Society is afraid of this drug, but fails to realize that both alcohol and cigarettes actually have some nasty side effects that are not present in marijuana. It has been proven that people who use alcohol usually are too drunk to rationalize anything, and can turn violent and aggressive out of nowhere, meanwhile people who use weed are calm and chilled due to its effectiveness as a mood stimulant (Marijuana Policy Project). In comparison to cigarettes commonly known cancerous side-effect, there has been no link to pot and lung cancer (National Organization …show more content…

Drugs are always considered to be connected to gangs. After all, the drug trade is a black market. Cannabis is a profitable market for gangs, but if made mainstream would make it available at every street corner, and not by one group of people (Preface to 'What Causes Gangs and Gang Violence). The government would also be taking power away from the Mexican Cartels as well, for they make most of their profits from this cash-crop (Drug Policy Alliance). One thing that can be considered is that if the government was to take away the gang’s special product, then violence in that area would drop dramatically. For example, if marijuana could be bought just like cigarettes or alcohol on every street corner, it would compete with the gangs and dealers that typically sell these goods. They would have to constantly figure out how to price the pot to make a profit, and eventually stop selling this plant and move on to the other products they typically sell. This makes a dent in their profits, and drops the amount of sales being made as well, including their clients benefiting from the more convenient measures of buying weed. With a major market for dealers down the drain, there will potentially be less drug related violence in the cities and towns in the United

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