
Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Marijuana started off as an underdog in the illegal recreational drug scene has now turned into a large booming business which threatens to cripple the economy and paralyses the legal recreational drug business. Over the past few weeks there has been heated debate as to if the government stands to gain from the legalization of marijuana. There is an array of benefits the government stands to gain from the legalization.
Primarily, the major concern of the economy collapsing is diminished due to the fact that all the unaccounted revenue from the sales before now turn into regulated revenue that can be taxed and the government stands to gain from it. Furthermore, the starting costs of the business require quite a substantial cost set-up due to …show more content…

Furthermore, legalizing would enable that every marijuana purchase would be documented since a prescription is required to make it a valid sale. Alongside that making it legal ensures that the product that every batch of marijuana shall be pure and safe. Alongside that, there is the constant re-assurance that every batch of marijuana sold shall not exceed the recommended daily limit. Furthermore, a pharmacy shall sell quality weed for less thus eradicating the need for the marijuana black market, which ensures that most customers shall prefer visiting a pharmacy than the illegal suppliers. This will also boost the country’s economy because there will be eradication of black money. While many newly-legal cannabis businesses are flourishing, some are suffocating under the weight of a federal tax code that business owners feel is unfair and is keeping black market marijuana dealers in business. Duggan, W. (2014, Nov 12). Is congress keeping black market marijuana dealers in business? Benzinga Newswires Retrieved from

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