Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Have readers, even known that marijuana become legalized in more US states? Marijuana has been playing a vital role in the medical industry recently as there has been signs showing that it helps an aid insomnia patient, as well as help induce appetite amongst underweight patients that suffer from malnutrition. With marijuana showing the world that it is a better alternative to typical mundane cigarettes, the government should take a big leap in its economic structure by placing taxes onto marijuana and selling them legally. This would benefit both the consumers as well as the government by aiding public stress as well as increase government income. This would ensure the growth of the country by a huge leap. Lastly would be that it would reduce overcrowding within the prison as consumers …show more content…

In addition to the police are easily controlled or checking the seller that sells marijuana in the local areas more than past. The drug is a majority of harmful in the black market, it very violent to have crime. There are generating 20 percent of revenue of marijuana. The business that sell marijuana has a significant power to control in the black market. It could make the marijuana market war because the business has more competitors, they would sell more to make their profit. Which made people death in this situation. After marijuana legalization, the government could set the drug policy to control the seller and has more security for safety areas. For instants, Chicago has discriminate of marijuana that increase the role of trade. The Chicago’s gang controlled by local government. It hardly to fight in the marijuana wars. “Decriminalization of marijuana possession, the rates of arrest reduce in white neighborhoods in Chicago” (Neyfakh, 2015) Furthermore, the rates of drug crime would decrease in local areas and they have good living after