
Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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The topic of marijuana being legalized and regulated has been a hot topic in our society for the past couple of decades.
“Over two-thirds of people live in jurisdictions that have endorsed the use of medical marijuana in some form, and nearly 82 million people live in states where these laws passed by voter initiative. 12 In a time of transition for marijuana policy, the federal policy framework regarding marijuana use should be addressed to reduce confusion, uncertainty, and conflicting government action” (Blumenauer 3).
In the past decade people have been changing their attitudes and ideas even more about marijuana. A big push to this culture change is many states like Colorado, Washington and California reforming their laws on this once evil plant. “A 1999 study by the Institute of Medicine showed that 32 percent of tobacco users, 23 percent of heroin users, 17 percent of cocaine users and 15 percent of alcohol drinkers become dependent. In comparison, only 9 percent of marijuana users become dependent” (Blumenauer 7). With more research and awareness coming out about marijuana people are starting to find out the truth about this plant. Democrats and some Republicans hope to change the laws for the better for everyone with H.R. 1013: …show more content…

In this paper, I will begin by presenting a brief explanation of the law, the purpose of the law, who is in favor and who the regulation of marijuana. Then I will continue with why I support this law and my three reasons that will support my standpoint. Continuing from there, the opposition’s view will be looked at and the reasons they have for disagreeing with my point of view. Lastly, I will conclude with a brief review of the paper and why I agree with this

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