Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Drugs

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America's number one drug problem is alcohol. Unleashing the use of marijuana to the public while already having alcohol easily accessible would be catastrophic. Legalizing marijuana will increase crime rates as it has in colorado. In 2016 crime rates either decreased or remained the same. However, in Colorado (where the drug is legal) the crime rate for every 100,000 people increased by 3.4%(the denver post). Furthermore, the population of Colorado was 5.4 million. Marijuana is a “gateway drug” which leads to the use of other more addicting drugs. By legalizing the drug, marijuana will be easily accessible to the general public and will be abused due to it being a very addicting drug. The use of marijuana has harmful effects that increases mental health problems, and with the legalization of marijuana many americans don't know their limits and will get addicted which will have harmful effects to their brains. According to National Institute on Drug Abuse, long term marijuana use results in the reduction of 8 iq points. And researchers at Harvard found that recreational marijuana use resulted in the irregular shape, volume, and density of the brain. The intoxicating substance that is in recreational marijuana is THC, it is what gives …show more content…

But this is not the case. When a drunk driver is driving on the road a cop can easily tell if the driver is drunk or not by giving the driver a breath brealizer, and if the driver's blood alcohol content or BAC is over 0.8 then the driver will be arrested. However this parameter of checking if a driver is under influence does not carry to marijuana, which enforcing this will be a disaster. This is impart to do with how there is no under or over level of THC to be viewed as over or under the limit. Also as mentioned before THC can stay in your bloodstream for weeks to months so to get an accurate data analysis would be