Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Legalizing marijuana Bob Marley once said, “Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction” and” When you smoke the herbs, it reveals you to yourself.” In my opinion these quotes mean that by using marijuana you would be aware of certain things that you were never aware of before and it can be used medically to treat many sicknesses. That is why I believe marijuana should be legalized because there are a great number of benefits we can get from it. Cannabis contains two species which are useful amounts of psychoactive cannabinoids that can mimic the actions of the anandamide, which are the neurotransmitters produced naturally in the body. Statistics show that in 2012, 20 percent of cannabis users were being studied by …show more content…

He was a severely hyperactive child. Largen’s father had graduated Magna Cum Laude from Texas Christian University and he was a communication professor at Drake University in Iowa smoking daily. The marijuana helped his aggression, reduced his tantrums, elevated his mood, increased his appetite, and also helped him to sleep at night. Until Christopher entered kindergarten, he used marijuana for the next three years. His doctor prescribed him with Ritalin, which had serious side effects. (Largent 92) The THC in marijuana relieves nausea and vomiting. The Drug Enforcement Administration gave support and guidance for the medical marijuana study. Medical marijuana reduces the dementia in Alzheimer’s patient, stimulates the appetites in cancer and AIDS patients. Medical marijuana is believed to be more effective than any other legal prescription drug. An example is Californian Angel Raich, who uses marijuana to relieve chronic pain and symptoms of an inoperable brain tumor. Raich said “My life was saved by marijuana…… I cannot stop using medical cannabis or I will die. I am not giving up the miracle I have been given to save my very