Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Drugs

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Due to the influx of cocaine and Marijuana in Columbia that pressurizes the government to take measures that can ensure public health safety. Therefore the possession of less than 20 grams of cocaine will not be treated as a criminal act. Columbia’s move to legalize the small quantity of drugs is way forward because of the growing drug business and its infiltration into the public in a wide scale that is harder to enforce the law on such a massive scale. The legalization of small quantity of drugs is the initial step to channelize the criminality in an organized way only because that most of the country is addicted to drugs but it doesn’t mean that legalization of criminality becomes innocence. On the other hand as the morality is a relative term, intoxicated elements and recreational drugs that is always been so immensely prohibited all around the world and its legalization steps becomes an incentive to the other nations as a role model and can lead to public pressures and riots in the country. …show more content…

Decriminalization is not the sole answer to get rid of the menace, but the associated off shoots drug cartels, black markets, crime and corruption that will eventually become an eye wash for the law enforcement agencies. Then question arises, what about the global drug trafficking? Is that also getting a de fecto approval to provide the sufficient quantity of legalized drugs on the stores to tap that huge