Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Recent Studies show that medical marijuana can help cure cancer and glaucoma ;Therefore The united states should legalize marijuana for people to use. The use of Marijuana in the United States of America has gone up in the recent years to new breakthroughs in science and new laws being passed in states to legalize it. Marijuana has been around for thousands of years and has been used for thousands of years. The first writings we found. were from china in 6000 B.C. (Williams). They used it in foods and as medicine and they also made paper out of it. There are other plants called hemp, but cannabis hemp is the most useful of these plants. Hemp is any durable plant used for many purposes, and cannabis is the most durable of the hemp plants. The cannabis sativa plant grows as weed and cultivated plant all over the world in …show more content…

Marijuana can be used in a lot of different ways. The first is in its medical uses. It has been studied for years to see if it as harmful to people as everyone think you might be surprised at what you find out. The medical research that they are doing on it is that the two main cannabinoids from the marijuana plant that are of interest for medical treatment are THC and cannabidiol. The FDA has approved a pill form of the chemical cannabidiol. Cannabidiol is good for helping with nausea and seizures and a lot more issues like it reduces cancer cells and helps with depression. But all the testing mostly have been on animals and very small testing on people but the FDA is thinking about taking it into human testing. The testing on humans has been very successful and they have approved it for medical use in pill form and oil based forms. There has been twenty three states that has approved medical Marijuana to be sold and used.But yet it is still illegal by the government to sell and buy marijuana and if someone in the state gets arrested buy a government official the state won't provide