Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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In the United States, one of the most industrial resources known to earth remains illegal. Cannabis sativa, the genus name for the marijuana plant, has been used for over centuries by civilization for building materials, food resources, medicinal uses, and also recreational uses. The reason this plant remains outlawed is because of the bad reputation that it has taken on. Since a certain form of cannabis sativa is capable of creating a euphoric state of mind and can impair decision making, some people seem to believe that this drug is extremely dangerous. However, much research has been done that has concluded that marijuana is not as dangerous as one of our countries leading killers tobacco, and that the other type of marijuana plant, hemp, can be used for a variety of industrial purposes. While today the legalization of marijuana still remains difficult to attain, there has been a progression across the country to legalize marijuana with numerous states allowing the use of marijuana for medical purposes and the states of Colorado and Washington passing state amendments to completely legalize marijuana. If marijuana were legalized completely in the United States, then America would become a much healthier and wealthier economy. …show more content…

Hemp, the other type of cannabis that is not capable of getting and individual a high, can create great industrial benefits to any economy. The different parts of the hemp plant can be used for a variety of uses. The hemp plant alone can be used for paint, plastics, paper, clothing, a different source of fuel and many other