Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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How can a naturally derived medication be illegal? Why is it that twenty-five states have already legalized it for medical purposes and recreational use? The legalization of Marijuana is one of the most controversial topics in America today. With so many benefits that come from it, why is it not legalized? Marijuana does not have the same damaging and unhealthy effect as other drugs that are intoxicated with harsh chemicals; Marijuana is one of the most commonly used drugs in America. Unfortunately the government fails to see that this plant could be an answer to some of our medical problems or even an economy boost. As curiosity within society occurred, many people began to do research on this topic by creating websites on this matter. According to the NYLN …show more content…

The National Drug Abuse site was able to support facts on the use of marijuana and its purposes. They go into detail about the different terminology of marijuana and how it is beneficial. For example, they differentiate between cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) explaining that the more CBD that is found in marijuana, the better it is to help patients with their symptoms, focusing mainly on the medical aspects. Furthermore, the NYLN Youth Blog Group was also able to explain the benefits of marijuana, but they were able to focus on other aspects such as: Law enforcement, revenue, and safety controls. Allowing them to be the most versatile from these of two sites. As for the site New Heath Advisor they focused more on why marijuana should not be legalized rather then what exactly it is and why it could change America. Other drugs are mixed with chemicals that have been proven to destroy the human body and mind. Unfortunately, some people fail to realize this because they are one sided about how they feel on the legalization of marijuana and do not want to hear the facts behind