Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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The United States is debating on one of the greatest issues of the century, the legalization of marijuana. In my head I don’t see anything worth debating we should legalize marijuana now, it could help pay off our massive debt and generate enormous amounts of revenue. Today in our great United States our executive leaders are still debating on whether or not the use of marijuana should be legal or illegal and quite frankly I don’t see why there is any doubt on this topic. The legalization of marijuana has so many tremendous upsides to it its insane not to legalize it. A few of the states in America have already legalized it and are generating huge amounts of money for the state economies. Colorado has just by itself pulled in over 76 million …show more content…

The government cannot stop people from using the cannabis plant; people will always use it now and forever there is just no stopping that. Why doesn’t our government take advantage of that and actually make money off it, because since they aren’t cartels and drug dealers all over the nation are making untaxed cold hard cash off it and only helping themselves. Recreational use of marijuana could easily stop all of the cartels and drug dealers and rid the United States of them. So many people in the United States are in the business of underground drug trafficking and figuratively and literally take millions of potential dollars away from the United …show more content…

There are just too many upsides and benefits to legalizing marijuana to be against it. Most of everyone who is against it basically all have the same argument when it comes to this topic. Weed is a gateway drug, there is violence when it comes to drugs no matter what, or it is addictive and people cannot just use it and stop using it. Weed is only a gateway drug if you make it a gateway drug, it’s not the weed it is you. You could eliminate violence from the equation when it is legalized because there would be no reason for violence and it’s mentally addicting not physically addicting which means your body doesn’t start to crave it. So with all that aside what’s the problem with legalizing weed because I don’t see