Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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It has largely been debated by many people as to whether we should legalize marijuana or keep it illegal in the remaining states that it is. Some believe that with the legalization of marijuana, will come the legalization of more dangerous drugs, increase in crime rates, and that it will inevitably be seen as a bad decision. This is simply not always going to be the case, if ever. The issue with marijuana being illegal is that it causes prisons to be over populated because people caught using get arrested. It also restricts the medically ill from getting a source of medicine that could potentially relieve their pain. The legalization of marijuana can be a good thing. This can be proven by the recent updates on Colorado and their legalization of marijuana as well as many other states …show more content…

Therefore we can see and record all the benefits as was recently done with Colorado. Recording these benefits (and disadvantages if there are any), would give the people who disagree with the legalization of marijuana, some new information to read into before deciding how they really feel. Another way recording the information could increase the popular idea of legalizing marijuana is if the do still feel uneasy about the legalization, and refuse a change in mind, this may just put them more at ease. As previously discussed Colorado has seen many positive changes in their state since the legalization of marijuana. In the academic article, “Institute of Medicine says marijuana has benefits.” It states that, “Outside Washington there has been a push to legalize the medicinal use of marijuana. So far voters in six states have approved measures to do so.” (1). This is just further proving that states are already trying to take action in this, even if it has to be with small steps. Therefore if more states begin to legalize marijuana one by one, then people will begin to see how beneficial it can really