
Why Marijuana Should Not Be Legalized

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What is marijuana and why should it be legalized? Marijuana is the word used to describe the dried flowers, seeds and leaves of the Indian hemp plant. It should be legalized for medicinal and some recreational purposes. There are a lot of issues I want to hit on, but I’m just going to talk about three of them. The issues of legalizing it, the effects of smoking it and should it be legalized for recreational purposes. Marijuana is illegal, but it is helpful and isn’t as dangerous as alcohol. The issue of marijuana legalization can be viewed from several different perspectives. One issue is that some people have different beliefs on it. Some say that it makes people more uneducated. Some say that it helps with medicinal purposes. Experts …show more content…

Some experts think it should be legalized for medicinal purposes and some think it should not be legalized, because of the effects it has on some people. According to this website I researched on called, www.drugpolicy.org. They believe marijuana should be removed from the criminal justice system and regulated in a manner similar to alcohol and tobacco. They think legalizing and regulating it will bring the nation’s largest cash crop under the rule of law, creating jobs and economic opportunities in the formal economy instead of the illicit market. Government would acquire significant new sources of tax revenue from regulating marijuana sales. The criminalization of marijuana use disproportionately harms young people and people of color, sponsors massive levels of violence and corruption, and fails to stop youth access. Though researchers disagree, clearly people believe that if it was legalized it would help in many ways. Some people actually have to have it to cure their pain. Some use it for eye problems and even for depression! In some ways it can be made to cure the sick and help people. Another issue is that people think it kills people. Through all of my research, I have found no evidence

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