Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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The legalization of Marijuana has been a topic of great debate for many years now, yet most people are not educated enough about marijuana for them to be able to debate. Ignorance plays a huge role in the discussion of it because though most people don’t know much about it they remember and argue all of the negative and false things that the government has poured into society, which has led to widespread misconception on the matter. There is absolutely no reason why it should be illegal.
Marijuana, also known as hemp, used to be legal. It was one of the largest agricultural crops in the world. The first law concerning marijuana in the United States was actually ordering farmers to grow it. Cannabis was considered a billion dollar crop. It was …show more content…

This led to the 1937 Marijuana tax act. The tax meant if you wanted to grow hemp then you had to get a stamp, but the government didn’t give out stamps which shortly after turned into all forms of cannabis becoming illegal. Which included not only marijuana, but also hemp and cannabis medicine.
Today, the main reason marijuana is still illegal is because of the political aspect of it, which has been a main cause of it being twisted into something it isn’t. A prime example of this was in 1970 when President Nixon began the war on drugs, the main reason behind that was the fact that during that time there were a lot of people protesting the Vietnam War and the majority of them smoked marijuana. So by declaring a “war on drugs” it was easier to arrest people in an attempt to stop the protesting.
Most people are ignorant and don’t actually know anything about it. A few common misconceptions are that it kills brain cells, causes lung cancer, promotes laziness in society, and that it’s a gateway drug. What most people don’t know is the way in which those studies were