
Marijuana Persuasive Speech

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"Criminally prosecuting adults for making the choice to smoke marijuana is a waste of law enforcement resources and an intrusion on personal freedom. I do not advocate urging people to smoke marijuana, neither do I urge them to drink alcoholic beverages or smoke tobacco, but in none of these cases do I think prohibition enforced by criminal sanctions is good public policy." Barney Frank. The state of Colorado produced $1 billion in tax revenue from selling recreational marijuana on April 20th, 2017. Medical marijuana is used every day to save lives, it is used to save children with seizures in the form of an inhaler. The fact that medical marijuana has already saved thousands of lives involving cancer, AIDS, and other diseases is a key factor …show more content…

The marijuana industry is a great and effective way of our government being able to try and get us out of debt.The cost of law enforcement for drugs is estimated to jump $18.8 million in 5 years if marijuana isn’t legalized.It produces been predicted by $60 million in revenue and was suspected in double and has doubled in the year 2017.It will reap $500 million in tax revenue yearly(MacQueen). It costs $75 to produce a pound of marijuana and can be sold for up to $6,000 depending on the quality.Legalizing marijuana should be a great idea because we can take its profits and put that into our treasury. To try our best to get out of debt the best we can(Jamie).Marijuana legalization generated 7.2 billion in economic activity in 2016 and added millions of dollars in federal taxes paid in cannabis business.Colorado brought in nearly $73.5 million in selling marijuana and marijuana-related products in just a few years.The Headset inc. has found that the average recreational consumer spends $647 annually on marijuana(Desirae).“When the effect on crime is so significant, it’s obviously better to regulate marijuana and allow people to pay taxes on it rather than make it illegal,” Evelina Gavrilova.Jeffrey Miron found that the US government could save billions of dollars by ending the drug war and legalizing cannabis and bring in an additional $46.7 billion in yearly …show more content…

Legalizing marijuana would end the costly enforcement of marijuana laws and free up police resources(Desirae).The legalization of marijuana most likely ends the need for some criminal behavior in connection with marijuana. Legalizing marijuana could bring down the amount of youth being put on trial and being given harsh penalties for what they have done often causing them the rest of their life(White). Legalizing marijuana would end the costly enforcement of marijuana laws and free up police resources(Desirae).With this being said here is an example of crime rates going down in a state where it has been legalized. Colorado is studying right now how the legalization of marijuana has discretely brought down enforcement on drugs and the cost of enforcing these laws(MacQueen). People buying marijuana illegally are however still a problem because every state has not legalized marijuana yet. So far 20 states across the United States have already implemented medical marijuana

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