Pros And Cons Of Legalizing Marijuana

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Team Debate Paper: Legalizing Marijuana Legalizing Marijuana in the United States has always been a notorious topic for many, whether the use be for medical or recreational use. While there are benefits to the legalization of marijuana there are also downfalls, and so far twenty states have legalized it in some form. Since the debate between the states has initiated many have debated back and forward whether the drug should be legalized. While there are many advantages to legalizing Marijuana some of them are creating revenue for the states, medical benefits, and relieving the states of man hours and money of placing individuals with Marijuana related offenses into the Judicial System. During our current economic state the Marijuana revenue …show more content…

Another benefit from legalizing Marijuana would be releiving authorities from having to place many different individuals into the Judicial System for having custody of Marijuana. Legalizing Marijuana could possibly save more money for the states by allowing the Man Hours on the authorities decrease and also allowing the authorities to target other areas that are currently not on the radar. This would also allow more serious crimes to have more attention from the state to be able to solve those issues in a faster manner and to get the more serious criminals off the streets faster and the communities safer. While there are many advantages of legalizing Marijuana there are also several disadvantages as well, some of these are: many believe Marijuana is a stepping stone drug for other drugs, the youth will have different ideas and access to the Marijuana and the use of Marijuana has some health side effects as well. When this happens the user will want to experiment with a drug that is going to take their euphoric feel to the next level. The next factor that results in the change occurring later in life is the price of cocaine.So this is why