Pros And Cons Of Legalizing Recreational Marijuana

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The Legalization of Recreational Marijuana The use of Marijuana, whether used recreational or medically is a topic of great controversy in the United States. While there are many Americans who passionately support marijuana because of its claimed positive effects, overall benefits and cures for illnesses, there is another side whom strongly oppose its uses due to the many cons believed to be associated with the drug. Today, thousands of patients are able to use marijuana as an effective method of treatment for their ailments. Despite this though, 58 percent of the United States has currently implemented the opening of medical marijuana dispensaries, while 21 more states are yet to follow suite of this trend (CBS, 2014). Although more than …show more content…

Patel started the interview sharing her thoughts on my frustration regarding the United States legalization process, and she made it clear that while the process is particularly slow right now for full-fledged recreational legalization in states like California, she spoke in a very optimistic tone. “While it is a challenge right now, I think medical and recreational legalization of marijuana on a much larger scale is inevitable. You are right, punishments associated with possession or selling are definitely unfair and people need to become well informed on the pros and cons of consuming cannabis, before lawmakers simply rule it out as illegal. Also with the election of Trump, and him being bit of a wild card, local governments are worried and want to know how it could turn out, like if federal agents come in to close them …show more content…

Patel more questions about what she thought about the future of Marijuana and whether it was for everybody. Pushing the 20-minute mark, she emphasized her support for its legalization by saying, “I believe there are many benefits to using cannabis for recreational and medical purposes and it is definitely something that could in my opinion boost the future economy… It can be great for cancer treatment, relieving stress, alleviating numerous illnesses. Regardless of all the benefits I discussed, consuming this drug definitely isn’t for everybody...especially for those who have underlying heart or lung conditions or patients whom are schizophrenic or