Pros And Cons Of Legalizing Marijuana

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Marijuana Legalization for Recreational Use Legalizing marijuana has been up for discussion and debate for close to seven years. However, there is an astounding number of research articles and headlines explaining the risks and possible dangers that come with legalizing pot recreationally. Without question, marijuana legalization is a hot topic in today's society, especially with misleading information on the rise and peer pressure being higher than ever. If the U.S. government passed the law for recreational use of marijuana for anyone and everyone over the age of twenty-one, addiction rates in young adults will skyrocket as well with deaths while under the influence. Marijuana should only be used for medicinal purposes and should be Federal Drug Association (FDA) regulated. The state of Colorado was the first state to pass a law (Amendment 64) similar to Arizona’s …show more content…

There is a great deal of research to prove and back up the damaging and harmful effects that cannabis can have on a person and their mind. Since marijuana is not FDA regulated, there are many other drugs that can be and have been added to the edibles and smokable marijuana. Not only can it damage the person and the families struggling with their hardships, but the economy is being turned upside down with addiction. This doesn't mention the amount lost jobs because of failing drug screenings or “deals” gone bad, or even the amount of car crashes from driving high.One thing the research does not emphasize, is the heartache that families endure from the addicts, the deaths, and mind altering battles the people go through who chose to use and abuse. In addition, the promise to help fund schools have shown to be devastating as well. Due to the harmful effects of marijuana not only to the body physically and mentally as well as the community too, legalizing marijuana for recreational use can do no