Pros And Cons Of Legalizing Marijuana

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Drug Legalization Debate
Legalizing marijuana would be very beneficial to the world especially people who are sick with cancer and other diseases with which the use of marijuana eliminates pain and certain effects but also it would eliminate many inconsistencies, guarantee freedoms, and increase the effectiveness of the government’s anti-drug beliefs. If it is legalized, it is more controlled. America has been fighting a war on drugs for decades and it is not working. The number of consumers has been increasing mainly because it is illegal and people, most of the time do what they're told not to do because they are trying to be rebellious. Mostly teenagers because they …show more content…

People who really want to take drugs will do it whether it's illegal or not. It's just like teenagers, when your parent tells you not to go to that party which all their friends are going to, most kids will sneak out at night whether their parents are home or not or in my case when my mom works at night i just leave and she'll never know i left because i'll be back before she gets home in the morning not caring about the consequences. People don't care about the after effects of their actions. Kids whose parents are really strict are predominantly very headstrong and are often open to trying new things which their parents don't let them do because they think they're missing out on some great thing when they really aren't and are always open to trying out new things which is one of the reasons why they get addicted. Most teens when they go to parties of course they know there is going to be drinking and some drugs and they often feel the need to do it either because they want to fit in and everyone to like them or they want to forget their problems and just live in the moment or they just want to be cool because everyone else is doing it. Drug use will never go away An argument commonly used by prohibition supporters is "what about crack users, heroin users, what about their children" let me first point out that alcohol and tobacco ruin more children lives than heroin and other drugs. Legalizing these drugs won't increase usage significantly because honestly the law isn't really stopping people from using it right now so why not try a new objective. Legalizing marijuana will reduce drug gang members because their business profit will drop drastically because why buy it for a lot more money when you can get it at any pharmacy for just less money.Fourth, many people are worried about overdosing and a major increase in druggies. However, it has been proved time and time again that if the people want