Pros And Cons Of Legalizing Marijuana

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What is marijuana? Should marijuana be legalized? Marijuana — also called weed —is a greenish gray mixture of the dried leaves and flowers of Cannabis sativa. It is the most popular illegal drug and gaining support for legalization for medication. Although marijuana is helpful in medical fields, but here are some disadvantages of marijuana proved that marijuana should not be legalized. If marijuana is legalized, it will lends a hand for the number of car accident to occur more often, affects human’s health and becomes a partner in crime for the increasing of crimes in the United States. Car accident is the first disadvantage that proved marijuana should not be legalized. Driving a car right after using marijuana usually cause car accident to occur. According to studies, a person is feeling high because of the marijuana’s effects after smoking or ingesting it. It is not a good time to drive because that person probably cannot pay attention to the road ahead. Also, marijuana causes slowed reaction time which even makes the car accident occur to happen. For instance, when a person’s car approaching behind a stopped vehicle as usual that person will hits the brake immediately to stop the car. On the …show more content…

For some people smoking marijuana could cause death related to heart attack. For example, a person’s heart rate was 60-100 beats per minutes as usual, but after that person smoking marijuana, his/her’s heart rate will increases from 60-100 beats per minutes to 120-200 per minutes and that can causes a heart attack right after he/she used it. Not only is heart attack caused by marijuana but also lung infections. As a result, marijuana smokers are more likely to have an ongoing cough and to have lung-related health problem such as chest colds. So, no matter how marijuana gets into people’s system, it affects almost every organ in their body include immune