Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Legalize Marijuana
Did you know that you can’t die of an overdose on marijuana? Marijuana should be legalized, because of all the patients that need medical marijuana to fight through the chemo treatment. Marijuana should also be legalized because of the health factors that it can affect for the people that need marijuana. It also should be legalized for the state to tax the substance.
Marijuana should be legalized because of the health factors. Fifty-two percent support legalization of marijuana. Cancer patients need medical marijuana for their chemotherapy. Albert Einstein declared, “The definition insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” (Reichbach) Gustin Reichbach wears a pump that slowly injects more of the drugs over the next 48 hours. That also means eating enough to prevent weight loss. The chemical in medical marijuana is CBC. The amount of CBC has risen to help the cancer patients get through …show more content…

Marijuana is the highest rating gateway drug in 2001- 7.6 percent, and in 2007- 11.7 percent; (Gottschalk) therefore, it shouldn’t be used while driving. The percentage of marijuana use rating has went up dramatically while driving. The amount of people getting arrested for marijuana has skyrocketed, due to people using marijuana while driving. Studies have shown that marijuana plays a role in car crashes.
Current drug prohibition laws shouldn’t be repealed. There were 1,702,537 arrests for drug law violations. In 2010 there were 1,638,846 arrests due to using marijuana. (Sullun) Billions of dollars are wasted on ineffective programs. The number of prisoners in Federal Prisons increased by 561 percent. California’s prisons are designed to hold up to 80,000 prisoners, but they have doubled. (Gerson) Some short term effects of marijuana are drowsiness, slurred speech, and/or painics. Some of long term effects of marijuana are birth defects, and/or