Pros And Cons Of Legalizing Marijuana

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10 arguments in favor of legalizing Cannabis
For every responsible cannabis consumer out there, there’s a negative stereotyper who assumes that cannabis users are all “mad on the reefer” without taking into account the many positive arguments for legalization. 1- The World Will Not Collapse into Chaos, No, cannabis consumers are not going on violent rampages through the city. In fact, it’s quite the opposite – violent crime and property crimes have both decreased in Colorado since the state legalized recreational cannabis

2- The Prohibition of Cannabis Takes a Financial and Social Toll on Society, There were 658,000 arrests for marijuana possession in 2012 alone, and the majority of these arrests were for non-violent, low-level offenders. Enforcing cannabis possession laws costs the U.S. …show more content…

Overall, they are four times more likely to be arrested for marijuana, despite the fact that blacks and whites both use cannabis at similar rates.
4- Cannabis Has Medicinal Applications, Despite the notion many anti-cannabis people have that medical marijuana is nothing more than a lie, studies are starting to show marijuana’s potential in shrinking aggressive cancerous brain tumors
5- Cannabis is 114 Times Less Toxic Than That Other Legal Substance, Alcohol, In a comparative analysis on the risks of recreational drugs, alcohol was the top contender, while cannabis was considered the lowest risk, making cannabis literally 114 times safer to use than alcohol, a legal substance for adults ages 21 and up.
6- Legalization Hasn’t Led to Increased Use Among Teens and Minors, due to education and regulations restricting use to adults, the percentage of teenagers in Colorado who admit to using cannabis has been steadily dropping from 22% to 20% between 2011 and 2013, and remains below the national average at