Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Marijuana is a very problematic and controversial issue in society today. Although many insulting claims have been made about cannabis in recent history, truths are slowly starting to resurface. Unfortunately, these truths are under fire because of the stereotypical view of what people consider to be the typical "pot smoker." This biased perception of a lazy and unmotivated Canada is the result of over 70 years of propaganda and disinformation spread by private interests that need cannabis illegally for their own personal gain.
Use of marijuana for medicinal purposes is not a recent discovery. In fact, the written reference to the medical use of marijuana dates back nearly 5,000 years. Western medicine has embraced the medical properties of …show more content…

It is possible in the United States because fourteen state governments across the country have recognized effective healing properties of cannabis and legalized its use for medicinal purposes, with the consent of a licensed physician. However, these patients are at the thank you of the federal government and authority.
One of the biggest positive impact that legalizing marijuana would produce the reintegration of hemp in our society, and especially at the present time our economy. Hemp is a plant that is grown for industrial use; in fact, hemp contains less than 1% THC and causes no "high" when smoked.
From an industrial point of view, hemp has many advantages compared to many of the current resources that Canada uses. The most common use for hemp is in the production of textile products. Hemp fibers are considerably high for makes it ideal for the production of many products such as paper, fabric, and rope. Hemp produces a higher yield per acre than cotton and has a growth cycle of only 100 days instead of 160. Hemp seeds provide more protein than soy, and according to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) you can produce four times the amount of paper from an acre of marijuana one acre of trees; Moreover, marijuana can be harvested at a faster rate than