Argumentative Essay About Legalizing Marijuana

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Considered to be a gateway drug, marijuana has developed a negative reputation. It is misunderstood by many people. Many assume that the use of marijuana, or cannabis, is dangerous, but it can be the exact opposite. In this argumentative essay, I will discuss the medical use of the drug, how marijuana can and is safer than already legalized drugs, and how the economy can increase by legalizing this cannabis. The fact that states and other nations have allowed the use of marijuana for an important aspect like medicine should make the drug legal. As a medicine, it can relieve pain along with other benefits for users. It can be beneficial to the everyday person for the relief of OCD’s, ADD, ADHD, migraines and even prevention of Alzheimer’s. According to a Discovery Health article, marijuana has been extremely successful in relieving nausea, which is good news for cancer patients suffering from chemotherapy. The drug also helps with people who have loss of appetite due to diseases such as: HIV/AIDS. Furthermore, it helps relax muscle tension, spasms and chronic pain. The usage of cannabis for medical purpose is the strongest reason to legalize it. …show more content…

There is no factual evidence that proves that it is addictive, but simply used as pleasure. Marijuana hasn’t been proven to cause harm to the body and no single recorded death of an overdose. If you are completely fine with alcohol and tobacco use, then there shouldn’t be any reason you aren’t accepting of marijuana use as well. People can be addicted to the mildest things, but many people aren’t aware that caffeine, tobacco and alcohol are more addictive than marijuana. There are many people who become productive by functioning better and thinking clearer because of the use of this