Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Marijuana a plant that some people smoke and it is illegal in most states. The states that are legal to have marijuana is; Alaska, Colorado, Oregon and Washington. Then there is medical marijuana which 23 states are legal to have medical marijuana. Why not all the states legalized marijuana? There is no harm in this plant; no one had ever died while smoking marijuana. Marijuana should be legalized in the United States because it has medical benefits and marijuana is not harmful. Medical marijuana is a lot of health benefits, seeing on the news that a child is using medical marijuana to calm down the seizures. Most benefits for having medical marijuana are people who have pain, insomnia, or anxiety, but have to be recommended with a physical …show more content…

In most states it is illegal to have possession of marijuana because it is an illegal drug. The question is why? Why is this harmless drug illegal? This drug does not kill anyone there is no record of someone dying from marijuana. Marijuana is a prescribe drug that many people use which is called medical marijuana, but there is no difference it is just a name. At least over 7 million of people in the United States do smoke marijuana weekly. When separating the group of people who smoke marijuana into light, middle, and heavy users of smoking marijuana. The heavy group accomplished knowingly below the light group on 5 of 35 measures. Bolla said, “Very heavy use of marijuana is associated with persistent decrements in neurocognitive performance.” The person who smokes it heavily will probably start doing more dangerous drugs. Marijuana can be harmful too; it has the same effect as alcohol. When someone is drinking and driving it may start swerving and get into an accident. When a person is abusing marijuana that person can start driving and since this person is smoking this drug, he or she will feel really relax and forgot about driving the vehicle which may cause a car accident. Alcohol Kelley