Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

638 Words3 Pages

Legalize Marijuana

Marijuana has been illegal in the eyes of the U.S. government. It is classified as a Schedule I drug, which is said to have a highest potential damage and is not safe to use under any circumstance. In this day and age, it’s prescribed to patients that have severe health problems to treat their pains. The government has a different view on marijuana. Some say making this drug illegal serves no purpose because it is a harmless drug and does not have any major side affects. As you can see marijuana has many different opinions and change is necessary

First and foremost, marijuana is classified under a Schedule I drug which is extremely inaccurate. The Schedule 1 class describes a drug that has no use medically and is not safe to use under any circumstance. Research has been shown that it aids cancer patients and plenty patients who are terminally ill. Even recreational use has never been linked to causing any sort of real illness. If you want to compare …show more content…

If prohibition accomplished anything, it created a new drug cartel and has wasted the time of law enforcement .In my opinion the effect making it illegal has a huge affect on whether or not a person will even try it. When something’s forbidden, more people are going to want to try it and be provoked by friends. Another unintended effect of prohibition is that it destroys all possible ways to regulate the drug. It’s easier for teenagers to illegally purchase marijuana from friends and drug dealers than it is for teenager to obtain get a pack of cigarettes or alcohol, because alcohol and cigarettes are regulated. Unfornutely our current process for illegal use of marijuana is to put them in jail and not give them the opportunity to get help and to use the thousands of programs. Proper use of these programs and treatment are much better ways to address the