Arguments Against Marijuana Legalization

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Over the past couple of years there has been a fight with the Legalization of Marijuana. Before you completely rule out the use of marijuana. we should look at positive aspects of the use of marijuana. It can be more helpful than harmful. Not only that but, even though its illegal people still do it. Marijuana should be removed from the criminal justice system and regulated in a manner similar to alcohol and tobacco. Just take the time to think about how much the U.S spends on trying to prevent the use of marijuana, growing, and the selling. In an article written by Matt Sledge he said, ”Marijuana prohibition now costs state and federal government as much as $20 billion a year, an economist told legalization efforts are only just beginning to chip away at that”. He also said by the legalization about $8.7 billion would be saved on law enforcement and another $8.7 billion would be generated from taxes on marijuana. …show more content…

We should be worried about the amount of money we are spending because if the drug is legal or illegal people are still going too smoke, grow, sell, and own it. So why fight it? Another reason as to why the use for marijuana should be legal is because of medical use. One of the most outcomes of marijuana prohibition is that many sick people cannot legally access the medicine that works best for them. For many seriously ill people, medical marijuana can be used as medicine that to help with their pain, or treats symptoms of their medical condition. Marijuana has been shown to help slow down symptoms of a huge variety of serious medical conditions like cancer, AIDS, and glaucoma, Many people all over the world can’t even use the medical marijuana because; so many states won’t pass the law to let it be used. Even if they don’t want the marijuana to be used for recreational use they should allow the medical use only be