Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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During the recent years there has been a lot of talk on whether or not marijuana should be legalized.What is really the main purpose for the big push? Would you say its because there are people trying to legitimize their underground enterprise and make their fortune. Or is it more on the reason that habitual users want to come out of the shadows and legalize their dope fiend? Or is it perhaps all these factors are really trying to make a change for society and taking the upper hand in the war with cancer which has destroyed us . Is marijuana out to benefit us or just a high? Marijuana has been around back in time when cavemen roamed the earth. The Marijuana leaves ,seeds,buds and flowers are shredded and dried up upon use.When in this form, …show more content…

This argument has no good premise. Did we forget that Marijuana is known to impair judgment and compromise decision-making. What happens to citizens driving after smoking? What happens when employees show up to work still high? What happens to children when they get an easier access to such a “medicine”. This will not stop the street violence. The videos that were placed for us to watch catch this point. Stating marijuana is a “gateway drug”. Meaning those who start using will want more and something stronger. Leading them to the streets and back to the drug dealers who will be there waiting to ingest their cocaine and heroin .States that have legalized medical marijuana, such as Arizona ,Oregon,Washington, and Alaska are in over their heads. What are the options for others unwillingly subjected to the dreadful second hand smoke that also is more damaging to cells and DNA than cigarette some? How much will the chances increase that teenagers will enter the drug culture? Studies have found marijuana hinders the development of teenage brains. Where medical marijuana has been approved, it has become clear many without a medical need have received the card.Drug legalization promoters often prefer to dismiss these arguments, rather than acknowledging their validity. Legalizing marijuana sends our society down a slippery path based upon unfounded