Marijuana Persuasive Speech

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Canada is in danger. One of the most peaceful countries in the world is being jeopardized by someone’s ignorant decision. Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Justin Trudeau, the Prime Minister of Canada, is promising to legalize marijuana by July 1st, 2018. Adults age 18 and older will be able to legally buy and cultivate marijuana for personal use. Today, I will convince you that the government has made a blunder with this decision. If marijuana is legalized, it’ll encourage more people to smoke it, and there will be negative consequences for those engaged in this activity and for the society in general.

When Trudeau legalizes marijuana, there will be more smokers out there. When people don’t have easy access to cannabis, they are less likely …show more content…

According to, regular marijuana smokers are hit with devastating lung problems as much as 20 years earlier than tobacco smokers. In addition, smoking marijuana over a long period of time leads to an increased heart rate, which increases the risk of a heart attack. Even more inimical, marijuana can harm a person’s memory and decline their IQ. During an experiment, heavy marijuana smokers were asked to recall words from a list. Their ability to correctly remember the words did not return to normal until as long as four weeks after they stopped smoking. Students who smoke marijuana statistically have lower grades and are less likely to get into college/university than non-smokers. Furthermore, smoking marijuana can cause severe anxiety, paranoia, and hallucinations, which can even lead to suicidal thoughts. The main reason for all of these issues is THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, which is the chemical responsible for most of marijuana's effects. As you can see, smoking marijuana will not get rid of your problem. Instead, it makes life even more miserable not only for the smokers, but for everyone living in that …show more content…

Well guess what? This is already a common practice where patients can legally present an ID to purchase medical marijuana from a dispensary. In fact, the true motivation behind this legalization is that marijuana is such an attractive product for the government to tax. This just means that the government is planning to earn money through those people who suffer the consequences of smoking marijuana. As you can see, there is no doubt that Trudeau made a terrible decision when legalizing marijuana. The new law will definitely bring more sadness than joy. After July 2018, there will be more people who are high on marijuana walking and driving around, posing danger to us all. Smoking marijuana will not help people with solving challenges they face, it’ll just increase the amount of problems. How many lives are we willing to flush down the drain with this new pot law? Even if you don’t smoke marijuana, you will still be affected. We are already living a life where we can die any day. Do you really want to increase your