Justin Trudeau Persuasive Essay

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During his campaign, Justin Trudeau, the head of the Liberal Party, promoted the legalization marijuana. Justin Trudeau won the election in November 2015. Then, the legalization of marijuana will be established in July 2018. Prime Minister Trudeau wants to legalize marijuana, giving the right for people to possess (30 G), and consume marijuana. Also, marijuana will be sell in stores, and people over 18 (the legal age to consume marijuana can change according to the province) will be able to buy some, such as it works with alcohol. Prime Minister Trudeau, and his team of experts hope to see the black selling of marijuana decrease, and the revenue of the country increase. However, it is not all Canada’s population that agree about the change …show more content…

Indeed, doctors do not give their total agreement with this new law, because it can increase addiction to this drug and some mental illnesses. In addition, it could affect negatively the development of the brain and, the condition of the lungs. Moreover, people are afraid about the increasing phenomena of people who will drink while being high. THE GLOBE AND MAIL Is Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s project to legalize marijuana is morally acceptable? First of all, the doctors are against the legalization of marijuana, because it could have bad repercussions on peoples’ mental. Indeed, there is a strong correlation between psychosis and a regular consumption of marijuana. Moreover, anxiety and depression are also mental illnesses that can have a relationship with the use of marijuana, but doctors do not know if people smoke marijuana to feel better, or if it is because they are smoking that they feel depressed and anxious. In addition, doctors are afraid that people start to smoke daily, because they have the right to do so, and develop an addiction to this drug. Addictions are problematic, because if the drug is not consumed, it retains people to do their everyday life activities. THE GLOBAL MAIL Furthermore, the development of the brain is another factor that make the legalization of