Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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The use of cannabis in medical society has played a great role in helping relieve pain, stress, and has helped some symptoms of disorders to be masked. The use dates way back to 2900 BC to a Chinese emperor who first sought of cannabis to be used medicinally. But there is much controversy to whether it should be used in medicine and whether its effects are beneficial. In the present century, medical researchers in some measure corroborated the early reports of the therapeutic potential of cannabis. In addition, much laboratory research has been concerned with determination of the mode of action, and attempts to solve the problems of insolubility in water and variability of strength among different cannabis specimens. Recreational smoking …show more content…

Marijuana was first largely recognized in the 1960’s where hippies were the main users. As time goes on, marijuana is being used more by youth and less by adults. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is said to be legalizing the product in the upcoming months, and it would provide huge benefits to society. One of the first benefits would be the societal point of view of marijuana. It would not be a threat to society, and yet a substance that could help our society. According to CBC, 20 percent of Canadians smoke marijuana regularly, and 31 percent of Canadians would smoke marijuana if it was to be legalized. With legalizing marijuana, the amount of street drugs would decrease, and most of marijuana would be medical and grown by the government. There are other economic benefits to speak of, too. Again, note that the legalization of marijuana effectively means the genesis of an entirely new industry and with it comes all the things one associates with new industries: Increased demand for commercial real estate, job creation, and trickle-down effects because there are more people working, there are more people able to spend money and further stimulate the economy. There aren’t just more jobs being created, though, but also more motivated workers. This flies in the face of some of the cants about pot users, and many anti-marijuana advocates seem to think that widespread legalization will result in a nation of