Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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I easily oppose with the legalization of marijuana in the state of California, or any state actually. In my opinion the drug is used as a gateway drug, also if it is now more accessible it makes more people want to experiment it, including young kids, or young teens, whose brains are still developing. Their brains not being fully developed makes it easier for them to become addicted to the drug. The use of Marijuana impairs the immune system and also causes people to have short term memory, which causes them to lose focus and forget stuff in school. Also, most of the marijuana that is being produced is ending up in states where it is still illegal. Although there are some good things about legalizing marijuana, for example, crime rate has dropped …show more content…

Among adolescents, cannabis use can have negative effects on their cognitive and mental skills. There are a lot of people who believe marijuana is harmless, but they are completely wrong. Smoking marijuana can cause cancer and can also cause lung damage. Marijuana also causes brain damage, I’ve came across some potheads who are so burnt and slow due to how much they smoke. No matter what people say, the government can’t legalize it, as it would be bad for our society. Most states are doing the right thing by keeping it illegal. California had made 13.5 million pounds of marijuana last year, but the thing is that only 2.5 million pounds were consumed within the state, meaning there are 11 million pounds crossed state lines. The question is where did the rest of it go to? Experts believe that the rest of the drugs were transported illegally into other states, states where marijuana continues to still be illegal. Now that marijuana is becoming legal in some states, it makes it a whole lot easier for other states which are still illegal to get ahold of some. Preventing marijuana to be crossed across state lines is almost