Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Marijuana is one of the most popular recreational drugs worldwide it’s becoming more common for people to use every day. Marijuana is increasingly popular worldwide, in 1996, California became the first state to legalize marijuana but definitely not the last. It illegal in more states than it is legal in, but why? Marijuana is what I believe to be one of the safest drugs an individual can use, the least harmful. Legalizing marijuana can be helpful to multiple communities, tax payers, and the government. Most drugs are illegal because of the major damages and addictions it causes to an individual marijuana is not that type of drug. The government should only be able to legally ban an individual from doing drugs that harm and individual, but weed cannot. As a matter of face things that are legal such as cigarettes are more harmful than marijuana, I’ve personally never heard of someone getting cancer and having to talk through a hole in his/her throat because they smoked weed every day.. Also when most people get pulled over for driving recklessly it is usually either how they always drive or from being under the influence of alcohol. Most people actually say they focus better when driving high and don’t …show more content…

This is where it helps the government, if the government were to legalize weed they could collect taxes on it instead of us wasting billions of dollars to keep marijuana sellers and users in jail. A whopping 49.5% of all drug-violation arrests are connected to marijuana. Half of the population that is in prison for substance abuse is in prison for marijuana-related crimes. It costs taxpayers about 15 billion dollars a year to keep marijuana related criminals in jail which is money that could go to more important things than people who like to relive stress a way the government doesn’t agree with. (Why Should Marijuana be Legal,