Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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For many years, the government has tried to limit the consumption of different items, including fast food restaurants and the legalization of marijuana. This should not be accepted. If people want to supersize a meal at a fast food restuarant they should be able to. Just as if someone wants to smoke marijuana, people should not be punished for it. The government should not be able to limit us on the substances and products we use this should be our choice. The topic of the legalization of mrijuana is a very contraversial topic. People think it will lead to legalizing more hardcore drugs, since marijuana would be. Legalizing certain harder drugs is not the same; they have a worse and more severe reaction on the body. Marijuana is nothing like …show more content…

As with most everything, there are some good aspects and some bad. This being said, the good aspects outweigh the bad aspects, when determining the legalization of marijuana. From a young age, children are told marijuana is a terrible, unhealthy, delusional, and addictive drug. These effects that they are told are not completely true. Marijuana is not an addictive substance, nor does it make you delusional. As for it being described as terrible and unhealthy, its effects are similar to that of alcohol and tobacco, which are legal. As children this is what they tell us to keep us away from the substance, yet many people try it later on in life. The government has no right putting limitations and restrictions on different items and lifestyle choices. Super-sizing a meal or what one does in the privacy of their home should be a personal choice. Legalizing marijuana will lower crime, let officers focus on more harsh crimes, and create more space in correctional facilities. In addition, the medical field would benefit the most from legalizing marijuana. The government should not restrict a substance that can better millions of lives. Like many other substances, people are going to use them whether they are legal or