Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Medicinal marijuana has been a topic of hot debate for the past decade and especially now, with even more pot activists coming out of the wood work. Every one and their momma seems to have an opinion on the subject. Now it is time for you to hear mine. So do not take it the wrong way, but this is my point of view on the whole topic of legalizing marijuana. When the FDA classified cannabis as a Schedule One drug with "absolutely no medical use or purpose" there was much controversy. The current federal law in the United States of America is that THC, Marijuana, and all cannabis products are currently illegal to grow, own, possess, or distribute. Fourteen states allow for limited use of marijuana for medicinal purposes such as California, Colorado, …show more content…

It has the same adverse health effects as a cigarette and it has an affect similar to alcohol intoxication. Both alcohol and cigarettes are legal to possess, sell, and use provided you are above the legal age limits to purchase them. So if a marijuana is like a cigarette that gets a person drunk, why should we ban the use of cannabis and not alcohol and tobacco. My only problem is that unlike alcohol, there is no way we can field test a person to see if they are under the influence of marijuana. Sure a urinalysis will show the presence of THC in the system, however, it will only show if the smoker has been smoking marijuana in the pas two weeks or so. If such a test could be developed for use by law enforcement purposes, that would allow them to tell if drivers are impaired by marijuana use, then I would be all for restricted use of marijuana for all people of the legal age. THC has been used by many cultures for its pain relieving properties. It can remove nausea and has been used to aid eating disorders such as anorexia. The FDA stating that marijuana has no medicinal use or purpose is just a load of garbage. There have not been enough studies done by reputable organizations to determine if that fact is true or not, mainly because of government restrictions on marijuana