Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Marijuana is a herb; a plant. Many people feel that it's a harmful substance that shouldn't be legalized. If people are completely fine with alcohol and cigarettes, then there shouldn’t be a reason people aren’t accepting of marijuana as well. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, "Alcohol and tobacco are among the top causes of preventable deaths in the United States." Marijuana should be legalized because it can be beneficial to many causes and/ or issues; such as having a legitimate medical effect, decriminalizing the amount of smokers from being arrested and does not cause someone to overdose.
One reason marijuana should be legalized because it has a legitimate medical effect. Imagine having seizures or loss of appetite because of cancer chemotherapy, almost every day and there is no cure to treat it? Marijuana has been beneficial to treating epileptic and cancer patients. Although it may not have dismissed their disorder or disease, it has helped decrease the frequency of seizures. In reference to the Epilepsy Foundation of Colorado, "A number of people with epilepsy report beneficial effects from using …show more content…

People today believe marijuana is a harmful substance. Marijuana contains THC; a bronchial dilator. In other words marijuana works similar to a cough drop by opening up the lungs. However, cigarettes contain nicotine and does the complete opposite. Making it hard to cough anything up and hardening the arteries due to the tobacco. Cigarettes are one of the many cause for heart disease and cancer. Studies have proven marijuana is far less harmful than many other substance. According to NORML, "Marijuana is far less dangerous than alcohol or tobacco. Around 50,000 people die each year from alcohol poisoning. More than 400,000 deaths each year are attributed to tobacco smoking. By comparison, marijuana is nontoxic and cannot cause death by