Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Should Marijuana be legal for medical use and recreational use? According to Renee Jacques Marijuana is safer than already legalized drugs. So if it's safer than those other drugs then why isn't it legalized now? Also Marijuana is not as addictive as government sources claim as said by Tom Head civil liberties expert. People have mixed feelings about marijuana being legal, but it should be! Marijuana is used for medical needs. “THC based drugs are used and can be used for pain and nausea. They are already FDA approved and prescribed.” as sourced by the National Institute of Drug Abuse. Marijuana is helpful in some cases for stress and anxiety. “Conditions it can treat are cancer, HIV/AIDs and more.” noted by the National Institute of Drug Abuse. All in all marijuana can be used for helpful uses not just for the high. Does marijuana cause more diseases or death? “It is not yet known if marijuana smoking contributes to lung cancer.” National Institute of Drug Abuse explained. “38,329 people died from drug overdose. 60% were related to prescribed drugs.” stated Renee Jacques, author of “This is why marijuana should be legal everywhere.” So maybe marijuana isn't as dangerous as people think it is. …show more content…

Many famous and well known people are marijuana users. Like Snoop, Martha Stewart, Miley Cyrus, and more. These people are still very successful and have a good life as far as the public knows. “ Marijuana isn't as likely to get you hooked then tobacco. 9% of marijuana users get hooked. 30% of tobacco users get hooked.” Renee Jacques, author of “This is why marijuana should be legal” indicated. ¨Marijuana is even less addictive than coffee!¨ also stated by Renee Jacques. So this concludes that marijuana is less addictive than other drugs and regular everyday things people