Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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Although cannabis had been very popular and widely used from middle ages to twentieth century, after the prohibition in 1933 now this drug is illegal in most part of the world. And usage of this drug, production or sale would be judged by the law court or taxed. Despite of the fact that this drug is illegal in most countries over the world, people continue to use and do sales within the states. Every year millions of people die of excessive dose of some drugs like cocaine, heroin and so on. However, marijuana is not in the list of killer drugs, because it is not chemical but natural. Every person can plant and crop it in his own yard as it was usual in middle ages. One more thing is it does not make any person obsessed with this weed, but others do and it puts death everyone involved in lots of Latin American countries and USA. …show more content…

Even though it is not widely legalized in many regions of the world there are some countries and states that issued to legalize the usage of both medical and recreational adult usage of cannabis. These are Netherlands, North Korea, Uruguay, Washington D.C, Alaska and Oregon. The main purpose of the legalization of marijuana is for medical purposes. This weed can be helpful for Alzheimer disease, for lowing the depression and relieving the pain. One more thing about the weed is prohibition does not help for USA government it costs billions of dollars for enforcing the marijuana laws within the states. Another benefit of the legalization is to destroy street sales and to annihilate the businesses of drug lords. Legalization would be beneficial for both the governments and the societies in USA, because regulating marijuana will make society safer, legalization helps us to better understand marijuana and legalization would not led to increased