Pros And Cons Of Legalization Of Marijuana

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Debate on Marijuana Legalization The talk on whether marijuana should be legalized in the United States is as high as it has ever been, but I feel the country should keep its current laws on the drug. Medical research on marijuana has recently proven it to kill brain cells that are essential for growth. When used on a regular basis, your mind starts to react to everyday events at a much slower pace. Thus, causing more auto-related injuries and even death due to people not being able to react quick enough to something as little as a car changing lanes. When under direct influence, the main stimulant in cannabis, THC, effects concentration, memory, thought process, and coordination, and even decision making. If marijuana was legalized nationwide, the death rate, crime rate, and amount of minors abusing the drug would increase immensely, I feel that in keeping the strict laws on this all-too-harmful drug would be the best decision the United States government could make, opposed to allowing all of the fifty states to go through the process of legalizing it and watching it come back and bite them in the backside. …show more content…

If kids could simply purchase some chronic from corrupt adults who are able to legally purchase it, our whole country could go under duress. Teens would become dependent on the drug, causing crimes like robberies and grand theft auto just over a few grams of weed. The crime rate in pot users is significantly higher than the crime rate in non-users. Statistics say that it is also a gateway drug. Seventy-five percent of people who started out smoking marijuana moved on to much heavier drugs like cocaine and heroin, sometimes even the most harmful drug of all: