The Pros And Cons Of Marijuana

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In recent years there has been a lot of discussion on weather Marijuana is harmful or not, and weather the pros out weigh the cons. The public opinion leans towards: no, it’s not harmful and should become legal. However, most of the people who are pro marijuana don’t have scientific evidence to support their claims; they just enjoy being high. There are some good reasons to why someone would smoke marijuana, and there are reasons why it should not be allowed. Due to brain development in teenagers, they are two to four times more likely to become addicted than users who begin in adulthood; one in every six teenage user becomes addicted. An estimated 2.7 million people who are 12 or older depend on the daily use of marijuana (New England Journal of Medicine). There have been studies conducted that compare adults who smoked …show more content…

It was discovered that those who did smoke marijuana have impaired neural connectivity in certain areas of the brain. A region in the brain that Marijuana effects directly is the precuneus region; this region is responsible for a person’s ability to be alert or aware of things going on around them. Marijuana has been known to decrease these two essential processes. Marijuana also affected the fimbria, an area of the brain that is vital to learning and retaining memory (New England Journal of Medicine). These negative effects on the brain have been noticeable to those adults who began using during their adolescent years. This proves that THC, the main ingredient of marijuana, has a very negative connotation on brain development. Marijuana does extremely well in alleviating pain in medical patients. THC, the main ingredient of marijuana, is FDA approved and is used in several other pain