Persuasive Essay On Legalizing Marijuana

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A famous writer Steven Gould once said “It is beyond my comprehension that any humane person would withhold such a beneficial substance from people in such great need simply because others use it for different purposes.” Legalizing marijuana has always been a controversial and prominent topic in society. Many people have a negative connotation towards marijuana and a stigma that it is detrimental for a person's health. Even though there is a lot of negatives effects from marijuana the benefits are outweighing those disadvantages. Marijuana is not only used for recreational purposes as everybody thinks it is also used for medical purposes. The use of medical marijuana has so many benefits that it justifies it legality. In spite of people feeling …show more content…

When making medical marijuana legal the econ -The legalization would also create jobs which is necessary in a low economy. -Some people claim that Marijuana should not be legalized because it is a gateway drug. A gateway drug is something used that may lead to the use of other addictive drugs. Once trying marijuana it will spark a person's curiosity to try other drugs. As Gould said any humane person would withhold such a beneficial substance from people in such great need simply because others use it for different purposes.” Marijuana will always have a negative notion towards it but we the people can change that. There is people in the world that have diseases and or conditions that can not be relieved with prescription drugs. Marijuana can help a person in need of help that maybe can not pay for prescription drugs because they are expensive. A factor people have to put in consideration marijuana is not used for recreational purposes only but it is also used for medical purposes. The legalization can even help enhance and economy of a country. The negatives of marijuana are being outweighed by its benefits it causes a person and an economy. It is safe to say the benefits of medical marijuana justify its