Should Marijuana Be Legalized In Australia Essay

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Should Marijuana be legalized in Australia? Marijuana was first believed introduce into the world at around 7000-8000 B.C. and was called hemp, marijuana has been legal for longer than it has been illegal, so why is marijuana illegal now, well back then one of the multiple reasons that it was made illegal was because the history of marijuana is filled with lots of racism, fear protection of corporate profits, yellow journalism, corrupt legislators, personal career advancement and greed and money. But why should marijuana be legalized in Australia? The reasons that marijuana should be legalized is firstly MARIJUANA is safer than alcohol, alcohol can contribute to overdose in death, worst long term health problems, violent crimes and serious injuries, driving, learning and memory unlike marijuana which cannot kill you if you smoke too much. For health problems marijuana can affect your lungs but so does alcohol and cigarettes but they are still legal and doing worst damage to the human body …show more content…

Marijuana has the properties of prevent several types of diseases. It can also help you to improve your metabolism which is good for losing weight and not gain so much weight, that’s technically why 70% of weed average marijuana smokers are skinner than the, the non-smokers. It can also help you with your anxiety and depression because your mind is thinking about other things so you not busy being anxiety or depressed and its safer than any other addictions in the world. Marijuana could start creativity and help focus it can help people who have distraction problems to focus more on their task whilst makes you think and love everything much more than you already