
Legalizing Cannabis In Australia Essay

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Rebuttle- I am not agree with Sasha as she said that individual may consume unrefined marijuana for medical purposes and also she raised issue on quality control and said marijuana has potential to cause harm to the users. I just want to make it clear that a drug can only be used in public for medical purposes when it is approved by TGA.
Currently, cannabis is a Schedule nine drug in all Australian states and territories, placing it in the same category as drugs like heroin but changing the law would save on spending. Moreover, for any form of cannabis to be approved for medical use in Australia, an application needs to be made to the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) with supporting data to assess its quality, safety and efficacy. If sufficient evidence of clinical efficacy is provided, …show more content…

About 30 adults will participate in the first of three trials, which will test whether medicinal cannabis alleviates symptoms and pain for terminally ill patients and chronic sufferers. Additionally, approximately, cannabis is a $25+ billion dollar industry. Currently, all of those revenues go directly to cartels through illegal use. Through regulation and taxation, Government can transform these black market billions into taxable revenues by legalizing medical grade cannabis. This new income can bolster our state economy without raising taxes on main -street.
However, legalizing and regulating medical cannabis will take this profit center away from criminals and transfer it to licensed and regulated businesses. We don’t know exactly the size of the marijuana market right now, and we certainly don’t know what would happen to the price and the demand for marijuana under different levels of legalization. But we do know that legalization would lead to a positive revenue impact on the income and sales tax

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